A hacker from Amsterdam that goes by the name of Kaatje has managed to create a custom firmware that allows iPhone 3GS users to jailbreak the newest iPhone OS 4.0 Beta 4. The iPhone Dev Team released Redsnow 0.9.5 to jailbreak iPhone OS 4.0 Beta 4, however it was only made compatible with the iPhone 3G. With Kaatje's work, we now have reports of a jailbroken 3GS running 4.0 Beta 4. To top it all off, she has managed to do so without upgrading the baseband, thus preserving the ability to unlock on blacksnow if one wishes to go back or stay on the safe side. She describes a method that requires a custom firmware using a patch PwnageTool. The patch will not work with the iPhone 3G, but thats what the current redsnow release is for. Kaatje explains how she accomplished her jailbreak by stating the following:
“I accomplished this by patching asr, lockdownd, LLB, iBEC, IBSS, iBoot, kernelcache, MobileSafari, Services.plist, and fstab. The binaries were patched with IDA Pro and OxED and were then diffed against the original pwned files with bsdiff to create patch files. I then took the diff files and built a firmware bundle that I dropped into Pwnagetool and updated the cydia tree within Pwnagetool as well. Once this was done, I created a custom ipsw with Pwnagetool, unzipped it, applied a pwned LLB from a pwnagetool generated 3.1.3 ipsw, zipped it back up and restored to my device.”You can read all about it in detail by checking out Kaatje's blog post.
Note: Kaatje will not be releasing this custom firmware as of right now due to prior agreements with the dev teams and of course for legal reasons.
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