Monday, July 12, 2010

Apple Pushes Out Four New iPhone 4 Ads

Apple really seems to be pushing hard towards promoting the iPhone 4 using FaceTime. The infamous application is starting to become an icon of the new device and Apple seems to be taking advantage of different emotions one can experience while using it. Check out the four new ads below which show quite a range of emotions:

Smile! You look beautiful~

"You are gonna be a dad"

Newborn baby in the family!

The hair... "it's really really short"

One of the funniest things to point out about the commercials is the fact that three out of four of them hold the iPhone "the wrong way." I'm sure we aren't the only ones waiting on the iOS 4.0.1 / iOS 4.1 update to come out to fix the poor issues. In the mean time, I'm sure the issue isn't hurting too many iPhone 4 sales and that Apple will keep pushing out promotions for one of their hottest selling devices. On that note, what do you think of the commercials? Share your thoughts below! Don't forget to stay tuned for more news and info by following us on Twitter and/or subscribing to our RSS feeds.

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