Wednesday, June 16, 2010

[E3 2010] All About Nintendo’s Press Conference

Nintendo’s E3 2010 press conference came out this year with a bang, with the debut of the new 3DS hardware and even several game announcement surprises. The 3DS is the official name and was the main focus of the show, including information of new first-party and third-party titles planned for the new handheld device. Keep reading to find out everything that came out at the conference!

Nintendo 3DS Officially Announced

Although everyone had a hunch that Nintendo planned to unveil the 3DS, the actual device was still largely a mystery until now. The device itself looks almost identical to the current model, but it does have a 3.5inch top screen and a “slide pad” for analog control. It comes packaged with a motion sensor and accelerometer, but as not to interfere with the 3D effect. Only the bottom screen is touch sensitive. The device also comes equipped with two cameras on the outside, which will allow users to take 3D pictures. Nintendo didn’t reveal too many details just yet, but they did claim it can also display 3D movies and that the company has already partnered with Disney, Warner Bros., and Dreamworks. The big selling point of the whole system is that all of these movies and games can be seen in 3D without the use of 3D glasses.
Iwata did mention the new device is equipped with a form of “always on” functionality and that it’s a lot like what we’ve seen on the Wii and the former DS, but it’s more automatic meaning that it can download new data like ghost race from other 3DS systems without the player ever realizing it.

3DS Game Announcements

Nintendo recognized that while hardware is all good, gamers care about the games they play as well. The 3DS has a huge list of games announced for it including games such as Kid Icarus Uprising and Nintendogs + cats. Third-party support seemed strong as wel with number of companies showing off their titles such as Square Enix with Kingdom Hearts, Capcom with Resident Evil, and Konami with Metal Gear Solid. A full list of announced games can be found at the bottom of the post!

Link Returns For A New Adventure! (Coming 2011)

The company started the whole announcement today with an announcement and a live stage demonstration of Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. A new game in the Zelda series planned to release in 2011. The look borrows the more realistic character art from Twilight princess and a mixes it with the cel-shading from Wind Waker.

The players use a MotionPlus-equipped Wii remote to control Link’s sword, and the nunchuck to control his shield. The game emphasizes on angle of attack where the sword can be charged for beams of energy and carefully swung at enemies, and once out of combat, Link can run and climb over small obstacles. The demo showed had several technical problems due to wireless interference as Nintendo claimed but it seemed to work well when the general public had a chance to test it after the conference in the demo booths.

More Popular Nintendo Faces Return to the Wii

Many of the popular old faces of the Nintendo brand are making a return to the Wii such as Donkey Kong in Donkey Kong Country Returns, and Kirby in Kirby’s Epic Yarn. Mario also makes another appearance in Mario Sports Mix, featuring the Mario cast playing volleyball, hockey, dodgeball, and basketball.

Other Popular Games Announced

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Not everything was a surprise as Nintendo also provided game play demonstrations of Epic Mickey, the new Golden Sun, Metroid: Other M (coming August 31), and the new Goldeneye. We were a bit surprised no news of the Vitality Sensor was mentioned as we expected Nintendo to show off their plans for the device but we were left wondering. While the 3DS announcement and the list of heavy games (which again can be found below) were nice, no price or release date was mentioned, so we are still left in the dark about some of it.

The List of 3DS Games can be found below, courtesy of 1up


  • Animal Crossing
  • Kid Icarus: Uprising
  • Mario Kart
  • nintendogs + cats
  • Paper Mario
  • PilotWings Resort
  • Star Fox 64 3D
  • Steel Diver
Activision Publishing
  • DJ Hero 3D
  • cubic ninja
  • Etrian Odyssey
  • Shin Megami Tensei
  • Shin Megami Tensei: Persona
  • Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
  • Resident Evil Revelations
  • Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition (name not final)
Electronic Arts
  • FIFA Soccer
  • Madden NFL
  • The Sims 3
  • Asphalt GT
  • Music Game
  • Bomberman franchise
  • DECA SPORTS franchise
  • KORORINPA franchise
  • Baseball franchise
  • Contra franchise
  • Frogger franchise
  • Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle (name not final)
Majesco Entertainment
  • BloodRayne: The Shroud
  • A Boy and His Blob
  • Face Racers: Photo Finish
  • Lion's Pride: Adventures on the Serengeti
  • Martha Stewart
  • WonderWorld Amusement Park
Marvelous Entertainment
  • BOKUJYOUMONOGATARI 3D (name not final)
  • Dragon Ball franchise (name not final)
  • Gundam franchise (name not final)
  • PAC-MAN & GALAGA (name not final)
  • RIDGE RACER (name not final)
  • Super Robot franchise (name not final)
  • Crash-City GP
  • VS-robo
  • Sonic (name not final)
  • Super Monkey Ball (name not final)
  • CODENAME: Chocobo Racing 3D
  • DRAGON QUEST franchise
  • FINAL FANTASY franchise
  • KINGDOM HEARTS franchise
Take-Two Interactive
  • Carnival Games franchise
  • DEAD OR ALIVE 3D (name not final)
  • DYNASTY WARRIORS (name not final)
  • NINJA GAIDEN (name not final)
  • SAMURAI WARRIORS 3D (name not final)
  • de Blog 2
  • Kung Fu Panda Kaboom of Doom
  • Marvel Super Hero Squad Infinity Gauntlet
  • The Penguins of Madagascar
  • Puss N Boots
  • Saints Row: Drive-By
  • Assassin's Creed: Lost Legacy
  • Battle of Giants: Dinosaur Strike
  • Driver Renegade
  • Hollywood 61 (name not final)
  • Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
  • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Warner Bros
  • Batman franchise
  • LEGO franchise

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